Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I've been thinking a lot about gratitude lately. I think it's a concept that I forget the power of. I suppose sometimes it can be overused and insincere. But I've been smacked in the face with gratitude every time I turn around these last months. I find that especially interesting, because when I began this journey last spring, I was VERY angry. So angry I could hardly see straight. Not one bit of this was fair or just or right. I still get angry; however, now I'm -yes- grateful for the anger. It is what propels me forward sometimes. Just when I want to crawl under my blankets and stay there - anger reminds me that I have to DO something to make a difference.

I've said over and over how amazed I am at the responses of Dawn's friends and family during this time. The selfless giving of time, work, food, kind words, prayers, and money has been stunning. Dawn has felt lifted up and so grateful! And, I see now that all this generosity is our way of expressing our enormous gratitude to/for Dawn and how she has impacted our lives and made the world a little more beautiful.

I've always been grateful for my relationship with Dawn, and I hope that I have let her know that from time to time along the way. But I have learned that I still have a lot to learn about being grateful in the moment- being grateful for each and every phone conversation or breakfast date, no matter how ordinary. I have learned that I have a responsibility to those I care about to be really present and grateful at every turn. I'll try to do better.

So today, as I begin to mend my aching heart, I will be forever grateful to Dawn for her funny, loving way. I will be forever grateful to her family for allowing me to walk this last, difficult marathon with her. I will be forever grateful to my family and friends who shared the burden with me so I was never alone.


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